Bikes and Beer. A winning combination.

Sometimes stuff all comes together to create the perfect weekend. Not often and rarely does it involve paintbrushes or aged relatives, but this weekend we had a good stuff implosion centred on the Quantock Hills. Firstly proper winter weather – crunchy underwheel, windchills up to minus six and endless muti-toned blue sky. Then add commuting fitness, a great bunch of friends, huge plates of dead animal and, of course, beer. Or in some cases Cider. You know the stuff they make in Somerset – tastes like some unholy union of marmalade and rocket fuel.

When riding in summer, there is an expectation of dry trails, sunny days and cold beer. But I’d forgotten the unconfined joy of finding the same deep in midwinter. In 2006, I’ve already had two great rides (although this has to be offset by one pantless morning) so I’m starting to believe this could be a fantastic year.

You’ll be glad to hear that I’ve decided to let a picture or two paint a thousands words rather than drivel on about how great mountain biking is.

Nigel descending to the tea room

Andy having a collective moment

Gets a bit windy on top! for more.

3 thoughts on “Bikes and Beer. A winning combination.

  1. Linked to your blok from the Brompton website and link to your blog gave me a good laugh, especially the “old blokes who should know better” chicksands article…one of my mates was being taught to jump by the local sprogs on their self made jumpsite in the field by his house last summer and had the embarrassment of them knocking on his door and asking his wife if he was coming out to play!
    hee hee!!!

    See you’ve been to Cwmcarn,,,checkout our website for photos of the new downhill course they opened last year, and other rides in Wales.
    Where did you go in Scotland as I’m thinking a trip up to Glentress/Innerliethen is worth doing probably late march….

  2. sorry…was wanting to set up the rss thingy on the website, but how does it work? when you click the rss feed button you just see a lot of html code…what do you do with it? copy and paste it somewhere I presume? But where?

  3. Alex

    er, not sure, someone set up wordpress up for me. I’ll ask and see what’s what.

    I’ll take a look at the site tomorrow as well, cheers…

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