Saw this on a forum (originally from somewhere else on flickr) and it struck a chord. Every day, threads are posted on bike forums everywhere about someone losing something very dear to them.
And it’s not an inanimate object like a car. I wouldn’t give a shit if my car was nicked, claim, buy another one, job done. But if I lost a bike that is has some of my best memories locked into it, I’d be absolutely bloody gutted.
And they get sold for peanuts, by thieving tossers who don’t know their material or intrinsic value.
You could argue that this guy has taken angst to the extremes and is merely venting with understandable if impotent spleen. But I think you’d be wrong and there’s about 90{45ac9c3234d371044e23e276755ef3a4dde8f1068375defba7d385ca3cd4deb2} of me hopes he finds the low life scum who stole his bike.
Occaisionally we get a ‘migrant worker'(aussie or similar*) at Sky who comes in on something he’s picked up cheaply at Brick Lane. Low end mountain bike – hand painted black, tell-tale marks, bits missing – you know the sort of bike? And because I’m the resident cyclist he asks me to sort it out for him and then wonders why I get SEVERELY FECKED OFF.
* no offense meant to aussies in general.
I met some chavs yesterday while riding; they were doing motocross, and someone had nicked their helmets. They were promising to land them in hospital if they found em, and at first you think “ooh, that’s a bit harsh”, then you realise that actually, they’ve got it coming to them. The conversation ended with me saying “good luck finding them, guys”. And I meant it/