That is a picture of the 15:35 unscheduled departure of the “Team Hardcore Loafing” Gazebo. It was last seen heading towards Bridgwater, traveling at thirty knots and still accelerating.
More on this, and many other references to “cold”, “windy”, “Muddy” and “generally unpleasant” when I can properly use my fingers again. Chill Blains in mid May? You betcha!
Let us not forget what this is all about though. CLIC24 supports CLIC-Sargent and that makes a weekend of extended misery absolutely worthwhile. And, for the first time ever, my fitness outstripped my motivation – so setting the high water mark for my ability to go back out again onto the storm tossed course.
The organisation was superb, the food and beer tent fantastic, the number of “recreational” riders a real joy to see – let’s hope the conditions don’t put them off cycling forever – and the general ‘vibe’ properly not racey laid back.
Sure the weather was shit, and waiting around for the next lap became a study of chilly tedium, but my team mates were – again – properly ace, and the course held up remarkably well until the last few hours. At which point, islands of trail would occasionally protrude into the fast flowing, ten mile stream.
More soonish… until then I’m just glad to be unbroken, dry, warm and having full use of my legs. Oh and relaxing in the glorious knowledge I’ve turned down Mayhem, Bristol Bikefest and SITS again this year 🙂
Well done Al.. good job on surviving and like you said, a bloody good cause to suffer for as well..
Can I interest you in the forest enduro? ;o)
Thanks Ian. Forest Enduro? No, I think not. I can manage that experience myself, simply by digging a hole in the new garden and getting the kids to throw soil at me. While Carol turns the hosepipe onto the “shower” setting.
Spot of Forest riding would be good though. At least the trees shield you from the rain 😉
That’s mere drizzle compared to the Biblical downpours and hurricanes I have to endure from the comfort of my couch.
Well done.