Worryingly – for any readers of the blog who have sustained an interest way beyond the mean boredom threshold – there are 10 new entries ready to wibble. It’s getting easier to write stuff but I have this sneaking suspicion that’s because I’m getting lazier in terms of grammer, humour, vaguely contextual metaphors and the use of smilies to replace said, it, me and bollocks.
So in an attempt to buy time to convert drivelling badly informed rant to grammatically correct and appropriately punctuated drivelling rant, here’s a couple of pictures from Spain. Where it snowed. Alot.
Nigel “Extreme Shaving” Parker
Captions appreciated as humiliation of others is this weeks customer care.
More here. Not terribly interesting but there’s only so much snow, steps and cold, irritated riders you can take pics of.
Well…. No suprises really, Andy never really looked like he would take off despite his best efforts!